Why I Started Cannabis Man and Highlights So Far

Hi, I'm Don Kleppin, a broadcast journalist, author, voice actor and creator of the Cannabis Man podcast. For a little over two years, I've been on an incredible journey exploring the ever-changing world of cannabis. I want to share why I started the show, some of the highlights so far and briefly check-in on the legal cannabis climate today.

Why I Started Cannabis Man

I have been a storyteller for as long as I can remember. I got into radio after college where I began a career in broadcast journalism, first producing news talk shows and booking expert guests to dive more deeply into the day's headlines. I eventually moved into radio newsrooms and transitioned to anchoring station newscasts. I was also introduced to cannabis at 18 years old and quickly found I greatly enjoyed it. After a while I began to feel it was more than a way to relax and unwind while partying with friends. I realized it helped me greatly with getting to sleep at night, something I'd struggled with since childhood. I still remember the moment of clarity one night while smoking with friends; how could something I knew was improving my quality of life in significant ways be so stigmatized and demonized by trusted authority figures?

I continued using cannabis into my adulthood and attempted (often unsuccessfully) to keep my useage quiet. When Illinois legalized cannabis for recreational use starting in 2020, I was thrilled for the opportunity to be less secretive about this part of my life. But the conversations that I'd had with other cannaseurs over the years did not become as mainstream as I'd hoped. The stigma persists to this day. I wanted to create a platform that not only educates people about how cannabis could potentially improve their lives but also debunk myths and misinformation that still clouds the discourse around cannabis. Through my podcast, I've had the opportunity to interview experts and industry leaders, and as my audience has grown I've been fortunate to have listeners encourage me for providing valuable insight and fostering a better understanding of this complex topic.

When I launched the show, my goals were clear: to educate, inform, and entertain. I aimed to shed light on cannabis-related issues, from medical benefits and regulatory challenges to the social and economic impacts of legalization.

Highlights So Far

Over the past two years, Cannabis Man has featured some incredible guests and episodes. Here are a few highlights . . .

Tommy Chong

Episode Title: Cannabis Wisdom from Tommy Chong

Legendary comedian and cannabis advocate Tommy Chong shares his insights on the cannabis industry, his personal experiences with the plant, and his thoughts on the future of cannabis legalization.

NORML's Paul Armentano

Episode Title: Turning Over a New Leaf: A Candid Chat with NORML's Paul Armentano

Paul Armentano, Deputy Director of NORML, debunks common myths about cannabis, discusses the latest research, and explains the organization's role in advocating for cannabis reform.

THC Seltzers

Episode Title: Phil McFarland Talks THC Seltzers: A Dry January Special with Cannabis Man

This episode explores the emerging market of THC-infused seltzers, discussing their popularity, production processes, and potential impact on the cannabis beverage industry.

Cannabis Tolerance Breaks

Episode Title: Tolerance Break

Delving into the concept of tolerance breaks, this episode explains why taking a break from cannabis can reset tolerance levels, the science behind it, and tips for effectively implementing a tolerance break.

Cannabis Legalization Developments

Episode Title: DEA Reschedules Cannabis and Federal Legislation Surges Forward

A comprehensive review of the significant legal changes in the cannabis landscape over the past year, highlighting new states that have legalized cannabis, major court cases, and future predictions.

Of course, there have been bumps in the road. Tech issues, guest cancellations, getting too stoned during recordings, I've had to adapt and improve the show continuously. But each obstacle has taught me something, and that has helped make the show better.

Legal Cannabis Climate Check

When I first started the show, the legal landscape for cannabis was already shifting. States like Colorado, Washington and others had paved the way for legalization with more about to follow suit. States like Michigan, New York and New Mexico have jumped onboard and countries like Germany and South Africa are joining the movement as well. These changes have brought about a booming market, but challenges as well.

Small businesses and startups often find themselves competing against well-funded corporations, making it difficult to gain a foothold. Some have even chosen to go back to the Black Market rather than jump through all the legal hoops necessary to stay above board. And in some places rampant taxation has eaten profits to the point of no return for some of these business owners. Even so, the resilience and innovation within the industry are inspiring, such as the explosion of hemp-based beverages, and I believe the future holds even more promise.

As I ponder these developments over a half-smoked shortie preroll, it's clear to me the cannabis industry is moving in a positive direction, in some ways exceeding expectations. Perfection is unattainable, and though that notion brings despair to some I find it brings me hope, for that means things can always get better. I expect that of legal cannabis and look forward to seeing how it continues to evolve and am excited to share more insights and stories through this podcast.


The journey of creating and hosting Cannabis Man has been incredibly rewarding. The podcast has grown and evolved, and so have I. Each episode brings new learnings and experiences, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share them with you.

If you haven't already, I invite you to listen to the podcast. You can find it on all major pod platforms like Apple, Spotify and YouTube. Stay tuned for more exciting episodes and blog posts as we continue to explore the fascinating world of cannabis.


The Growing Void